Summer Hummer!
We went to theatreWashington’s third annual Summer Hummer: Ménage a Trois at Signature Theatre in Shirlington. The motto of the night: Everything is Better in Threes. Catherine Fly performed a dramatic reading of a risqué cookbook. We snapped her surrounded by Promontory’s Lameyse Hooks and Beth Pile who bookend Elsevier’s Undine Nash; at right, Carl Nash.
The bawdy burlesque show featured 60 actors performing 20 numbers, such as a reading of Wiggle Wiggle, Beyoncé dancers, and parodies. After the show, we headed to the cast party in Signature Theatre’s lounge for Ledo pizza and Goose Island beer with the actors. Here, singer Carolyn Cole (in the Gangsta Rap shirt) surrounded by Signature Theatre’s Laura Matey, Nathan Alston, and Walter Ware.
The performances showcased Helen Hayes award-winning music, dance, and acting, raising $18,000 for Taking Care of Our Own, a program aiding the local theatre community with unforeseen emergencies. Here, dancer Colleen Hayes, Capital Talent Agency’s Michelle Muntifering, and actors Mary Lee Adams and Joey Elrose.
Many local theatre companies attended to support. Here, Toby’s Dinner Theatre’s Drew Deadrick, Mary Kate Brouillet, Maura Hogan, and David Jennings.
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